I’m running for Congress to Support and Defend the Constitution”

Welcome to my new BLOG,

I hope this will be my path to interact with you.  Some have advised that I shouldn’t travel  this road as it can come back to haunt you, but I feel I have nothing to fear as I’m not a blade of grass bending in the wind.  Not to suggest I’m a hard-headed one as I reserve the right to change my opinion given sound logic, but I will always tell you how I feel.  I welcome and encourage your opinions and we will discuss them to their end.

So now to the first subject which I’m sure will generate thought and comment.  We the people of the 27th Congressional District have arrived at a unique place.  A well-known and respected political figure in the State provided his assessment of this Congressional race.  To wit:  You folks have a real legitimate three-person race.  As I mentioned, it is unique.  For the first time in my recollection, you have a real decision this election.  No longer an either / or decision but a true alternative and that puts a real burden on you as the voter.

The situation of course is that you have three viable candidates seeking to be your Representative for the next two years.

In one position you have a 28-year incumbent who gives all appearances of having lost contact with his constituents.  He avoids requested Town Hall discussions, responds with form letters, is only available for photo-ops and PR releases, and appears more responsive to Party leadership and special interests than to we the people of his district.

Then, he has an opponent who has deep-pockets, some name recognition, but no qualifications or experience for the sought-after office.  His only qualification is his party-affiliation.  He has no record of having worked within the confines of a large organization with expanded inter-personal dynamics.  He exhibits limited dedication to completing any task as is typical of most trust-fund children. He has no record of public service and the expressed motivation for becoming a candidate of  “Beating Ortiz”.  And, if elected, wants to remain in Washington for 12 years.

The alternative, of course, is yours truly.  The demonstrated dedication to task completion, moral principles and values of an Eagle Scout, a combat decorated career officer with the Air Force, an executive with a Fortune 500 firm in the private sector, pro bono public service as a mediator for the Dallas Dispute Resolution Center, a Commissioner for the Henderson County Emergency Services District for eight years – six of which as President of the Board.  My expressed motivation for entering politics was to continue to fulfill my oath to “Support and Defend the Constitution…” and the defeat of Mr. Ortiz is collateral damage.  In future posts, I will go into more detail regarding my candidacy.  In the meantime you can refer to my website  http://EdMishou.com for more information.

I am confident that you, the aware, informed, and prudent voter will do your study and research and vote for the person, based on principle and individual rather than party,  you feel will best represent you in Washington for the next two years.  For now I paraphrase the words of Lee Iacocca after he took over the failing Chrysler Corp. If you can find a better candidate – Vote For Him.

Hope I have piqued your interest and you will get involved.

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